So I've been having some weird dreams lately... and last night (or I guess it was this morning) I woke up totally thinking there was someone in my bed... but then it was just my body pillow. Rightly named, huh? It was weird. But uninteresting, so why am I mentioning it? :P
Today was... pretty good! When I got to work this morning Tyler told me to look at the note he'd written for me in the photo lab, and I was instantly wary, because usually notes start out "sorry to leave you in such a bind... etc, etc..." But as soon as I looked at the note my day got 100% better, because he had gotten the barcode scanner to work. That was officially the last thing that needed fixing, so our photo lab is at 100% operation again! It hasn't been that way since like October.
Also, this was one of those great days where it was pretty slow, but the day went by super fast. Very nice.
And then when I got home there was my Fiction Family CD and Vinyl Record LP waiting for me. FINALLY. I paid so much on shipping, you think they could have got it here faster. Ah well. It was worth the wait. For sure. Fiction Family can be found at: