Friday, January 23, 2009

Grar. Grrr. Grari.

So... it was nice to go to work with no impending problems. As far as I could tell, it was going to be a smooth day. Which... surprise! it was! Unfortunately a smooth day also meant kind of a boring day in this case. Hohum. I guess we don't all have exciting jobs, but I rather like mine, and at least it pays the bills.
I've taken to bringing in poetry to work so if there's a major down time I can work on memorizing some. As much as I'd love to bring a book and read, that's a little more obvious than a poem scribbled on a scrap of paper. So far I've managed to commit Shakespeare's 116th sonnet to memory.... and that's the only one I've done ;) But hey, it's a great sonnet. And I even sat down and figured out what the parts meant that I didn't initially understand. So it's all good.
Wow, today was extremely cold compared to yesterday. Yesterday was so nice and warm (comparatively) and sunny... I was actually able to go out and go for a walk up to Caribou. Glad I did, too, cuz today it was bitterly cold. And the wind didn't help matters at all. I guess it's just Old Man Winter's way of reminding us that yes, this IS Minnesota, and yes, it IS still January. Ah well. I don't mind too much, although I can't say as much for my poor little car. He did NOT want to start up when I got off work today. He's gotten way too spoiled living in the garage this winter :)

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