Saturday, March 28, 2009

You're Gone

Now that you're gone
Everything I see reminds me of your face
Everything I say reminds me of your speech
Everything I hear reminds me of your voice

All of my inside jokes
Will now be one-sided
Since you are not there to appreciate them

There's a you-shaped hole in my life
Tacky, I know
But I can't help it if the truth is tacky

Perhaps if I wait
You will return
But please don't take long

(yeah, this isn't poetry, it pretty much sucks, don't comment on it. sometimes I just have to say something or else it will blow out the top of my head.)

Friday, March 20, 2009


This is satire.... although I don't find it funny. Wrote this today while listening to "God Bless the USA". That song makes me cry more than ever now.

Sung to the tune of "God Bless the USA"

I am proud to live in Obamaland
Where at least he says I'm free
He helps me forget the ones who died
In war 'so needlessly'
And I'll proudly stand up next to him
And believe in him today
Cuz there ain't no doubt, he's got a plan
Let's change the USA!

I might write the rest later, if it comes to me... I can never plan out creativity though. Either it comes or it doesn't. :P

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I should go to sleep... but....

... here I am. Heck, it's only 10:15, most people my age are only beginning their nights. But seriously, wow... I could never live like that. I rely on sleep WAY too much. I cherish the time I get to sleep. So why the heck do I avoid it so much. I don't know. Probably cuz I feel lame going to bed this early. Haha. 
This week has been totally weird. It's been wonderful with completely horrible undertones. Does that make sense to you? Well then let me explain it in a way the general public might understand: good things and bad things have happened this week. But that makes it sound boring and just like any other week. Yeah, good and bad things happen every week. But this one has been randomly different to both extremes.
Great things like dinner with the grandparents, praise from my manager, great conversations, ice cream outings, successfully weaning myself from caffeine, and starting a GREAT exercise regimen help this week stand out from others. But then on the other side there have been absolutely horrible things. I found out that my Grandpa has spinal cancer and my sister was put on bedrest to keep her from going into preterm labor (again!). Also one of my best friends has been laid up with migraines while the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong with her. Gahh. 

Life is weird.

I think all I can do is get a good night's sleep to brave tomorrow and its ability to take a turn for the better or the worse.